CEO’s message

In the Name of God

Nabashad hami nik o bad payidar — haman be ke nekee bod yadegar (Good and bad are not everlasting, it is best to remember goodness)

We are grateful to God for placing us at His table of mercy and guiding our hands to help those in need. We are the founders of a charity organization with a vision as vast as the sky, showered with love and compassion, and a window to a brighter future for individuals with special needs, the disabled, those deprived of education, and women heading households. We aim to provide them with a small support system, empowering them to take strong steps toward the progress of their families and their beloved children.

Our effort is to take even a small step towards solving the problems of our loved ones with the help of beautiful thoughts, generous hands, and kind hearts of our benefactors, and by relying on the infinite power of God. The noble act of charity and helping our loved ones is a blessing that the Almighty God will not grant to everyone Those who, with high spirits and noble hearts, with loving hearts and generous hands, love their fellow beings as themselves and wish the sweetness and joy of life for others, are certainly dear and honored in the presence of the Almighty and are rewarded with the best of blessings.

Taking a small step to improve the lives of those who share our roots and homeland is our duty. Let us help ensure that the great Iranian family thrives, that all of us, as parts of one body, live joyful lives, with smiles on our lips, and that no one—no one at all—is left in tears.

«أحْسِنْ کَما أحْسَنَ اللهُ إلَیکَ»

“Do good, just as God has done good to you.”

If you are able, shine bright like the candle’s flame, Burn yourself to light the world and spread your name

Illuminate the dark space of my abode; shine like the radiant, gleaming sun.

Strive with all your might to serve humanity; through this means, remain under the protection of God.

Sima Raisi; CEO


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